We recently visited Athens, GA mixed media artist, Lisa Freeman in her basement studio to chat about her space, materials, and her process:
When do you like to work (time of day, season, etc)?
LF: Morning tends to be a productive time of day for me to work. Getting into the studio, no excuses. If a particular project or piece is going well, I will work through noon and beyond, Then realize I need food and will have to stop for nourishment! Generally I will rest in the afternoon and go back down into my space in the early evening. The type of work I do requires blocks of mostly uninterrupted time, so night time is conducive for that, and NPR has great programming that keeps me motivated.
What do you love about your work space? What would you change or add?
LF: What I love about my work space is that it is all mine. I worked and waited many years to be able to stake out a claim of "all mine". I am particular about arrangements of items, including my work tools. I know just how I left them the day before. What I would change is more natural light. There is only the one window and it would be great if I had more of a view of the outside world. Also, heat in the winter, I just have the space heater and it can get chilly in the colder months.
What's your biggest distraction?
LF: I would say that getting started is my biggest distraction. I tend to put some things off and do not get as much accomplished as I would like in a day. I also deal with pain issues in my arms/wrists from previous injuries. This is a huge distraction and requires a good amount of rest and recovery time. Once I am deeply into a piece I am working on, the work becomes a distraction from the pain and I am completely in that world.
How do you promote your work?
LF: Social media has been a wonderful tool in promoting my work. I am not an especially outgoing person, so it has helped a lot in connecting with others. You can find me on my Facebook, Instagram, and my website. I recently had new business cards designed and printed by Pixel and Ink, they are wonderful and I would recommend this business for printing and promotional materials!