We recently visited with Athens, GA artist, Will Eskridge at his home studio to get a behind the scenes look at his process and ask him a few questions about his work and his experiences as a full time working artist...
When do you like to work?
WE: My days start around 8:30 a.m. with busy work like uploading new pieces to my online galleries, newsletter prep, blogging, posting on social media, etc. I don’t usually get into the groove of studio work until after lunch. I am a night hawk by nature so the late afternoons and evenings are when I really hit strides with actual art-making. Spring and Summer I work outside in the yard or in the studio. Fall and Winter, I tend to work smaller and often bring some works into the living room because there is no heat in the studio.
What do you love about your work space? What would you change?
WE: The biggest thing I love about my work space is that it is my own dedicated space. I know when I go out there that I am about to solve some problems, experiment with materials and even just sit and review work on the easel. It’s a wonderful feeling to have my own space that is mine and right in my backyard. Three things I would change: Make it twice as big, make it completely solar powered, and add heat.
What's your biggest distraction?
WE: My own mind. I have so many ideas going on in my head, it is sometimes hard to prioritize and focus.
How do collectors find you?
WE: I have a handful of local collectors here in Athens. The majority are in various cities in the U.S. and Europe. The internet has been a wonderful thing for artists like me that don’t have brick and mortar gallery representation. Online galleries have been absolutely amazing for me. I try to consistently show at local venues as much as humanly possible. Athfest has been very good to me as well. Most of my collectors find me online, local venues or word of mouth.
Eskridge's studio shed, which he shares with his wife Marie (who makes jewelry) and a charming clan of furry friends, is located in their backyard next to their herb and vegetable garden. Click here to see more work by Will Eskridge.